Thursday, April 23, 2009

Grindy... Go Go Away

I have taken the glpyh market by storm over the last few weeks and made a bundle. There however is one thing that irks me. Milling. While I am also at it lets discuss Prospecting and Disenchanting. These are the skills within tradeskills that make these professions really grindy.

By grindy I mean, repetitive and boring. Which actually gives me some hope. Blizzard has made many attempts to change WOW to be less grindy and more interesting. If we look just to the recent past we can note the changes to mining nodes and even the amount of herbs that drop from a single node. The fact that all Wrath drop rates are progessive is also a good indication. Perhaps this is our light in the distance.

Lets be honest if you have taken up Jewelcrafting, Inscription or even Enchanting to some extent, you understand my pain. Well, those of you being active suppliers in the WOW economy do. I really dislike the sitting in Dalaran clicking Mill over and over again, and I already use Auctioneer to speed up the process by having it auto asking me to Mill/DE/Prospect. (If your not doing this yourself it is a component of Enchantrix, part of the Auctioneer suite and can be enabled throught the Enchantrix Configuration UI).

Generally, my daily AH business is very fast. I log in do a scan of the AH, tab out and read the current blogs for two mintues. Step two, I tab back in click 'Batch Post' Then leave for the 10 mins or it takes to post the 300+ auctions I have. I Tab back in one last time to run snatch and see if there is anything I want to buy. All in all it takes about 15 minutes and I do it once a day listing for 24 hours (although i am considering a change to 48, and having my auctions overlap each other). It is fast, which is my goal and I make anywhere from 600-1200g a day that I get off my lazy butt to list items.

This part I have no problems with, it is the once a week milling for dye and restocking that is so tedious. When you have 120+ stacks of herbs, milling takes forever..... Which is the whole point of today's blog post. As you know I am all about saving time and lets be honest sitting there clicking 'Mill' over and over again sucks. With Blizzards recent changes to make WOW less grindy, I think that brought to their attention they would be willing to change Prospecting and Milling into a skill within the standard Tradeskill UI. Once there it would be a simple click to 'Mill all' of a specific herb, a couple of tab outs and whala! complete.

As for Disenchanting, i think it would need to remain seperate, we wouldn't want to automatically DE our tier 8 by accident right? Anyway at this point your wondering why I brought this up, well I recently went into the WOW Suggestion Forums and added my two cents to someone else's post requesting the same thing.

Here is the Link: Add your opinion!

Go my loyal readers.. I know there is at least one of you. Thanks Marcko, you're my very first commmentor! And bug Blizzard to make this change!


  1. I had been facing the same problem for disenchanting.
    Did you bind a macro to click for the mill?
    that save you some time of clicking.
    I guess some of my profits from the enchanting material is from
    "I don't want to do that damn disenchant anymore"

    Auto Disenchant did have the ignore function for your T7/8 when it's new to you (But then we should turn off auto-disenchant when you go to raid @@)

    Nice blog and pod cast :) Guess I'll be the second commenter, Will stay tuned

  2. To Zekta,

    thanks for commenting, Enthantrix actually has a built in option to not so much auto disenchant/mill/propect, but rather if it notices items in your bags that can be disenchanted/milled/prospected it brings up a little popup with three options which are to de/mill/pros or to ignore for this session or to ignore permanently.

    It is less of an automatic funtion as a way to avoid moving the mouse back and forth over and over. I shrink wow to a 600x400 or so size and keep clicking the mill button, while i browse the net. So no macro or anything, just a build in function of the auctioneer suite.


  3. Oh, maybe I didn't make it clear on that

    Under the Enchantrix Macro
    /click AutoDEPromptYes

    you can use that macro to reduce the time for "Where is the Yes confirm disenchant button again"
    A keyboard key will do

    I guess they'll have one on milling too.
    See you around :)

  4. awesome I'll have to intergrate that with my keybindings, tyvm!


  5. Hi Miy, i'm sorry i've posted this here I was looking for your email because I was wondering if you had any thoughts on why titanium has recently collapsed? I stopped playing over easter and the 3.1 rush and i've come back to find that a titanium ore stack is now 35g where it was around 100 before? Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, love your site its very helpful!

  6. A lot of the market has collapsed recently and I think Gevlon put it correctly when he noted none of us were sure what was going to happen when 3.1 hit. What did happen is a lot of people wanted to buy dual specs and so they stocked up on items prepatch through gathering and farming. Come patch day, we see everyone listing items to either get the 1000g for dual specs or to try and recover some of that 1000g they spent. I believe it was this flooding of the market which has brought the prices down.

    Not being a dealer in Titanium myself I cant give you a 100% correct answer, there could be other factors affecting its current price, but this would be my best guess.
