Saturday, April 11, 2009

How to Snatch!

This article will talk about using the Snatch function of Auctioneer. Snatch is one of the many functions of the mod auctioneer. Snatch allows you to instantly bring up a list of items that you are interested in and then basically click and buy them almost instantly.

The first step is to of course do your scan for the day. Without a recent scan, Snatch will not work properly and be pretty much useless. With the release of the latest version of Auctioneer Advanced you will note a double arrow scan button like the one circled in the image below.

This button will allow you to scan the entire auction house in about 20% of the old scan time. I am personally able to scan my entire AH in about 2 minutes. So step one is to do your scan for the day. Next we need to go over to the Search tab which is circled above. Within the search tab you will find a rather large list of different modules all listed on the upper left corner. For now under the Searches heading choose Snatch (section #1). One you have chosen it you should see something similar to the image below.

The next step is to build a list of items you want, this would usually be items you buy a lot of. Personally as I am playing around in the glyph market at the moment, I buy a lot of herbs. The list is built through section #2 below and will appear in section #3 when you have added it correctly. Items can be added to section #2 by shift clicking them, dragging them from your bag or even shift clicking items links in trade chat. Once a picture appears in the box of section #2, add the price you would be willing to pay and then push the add button to add it to your growing list in section #3.

Our final step before we make use of Snatch is to save this list. This is done by typing a list name in the bar in section #4 and clicking the save button. If you do it correctly the name for your snatch list will turn green. From now on whenever you want to search for this particular list of items, simply select it from the the down arrow in section #4 and your ready to go. The main purpose behind Section #4 is to have the ability to make and manage multiple lists of items your interested in buying.

Finally your ready to click on the search button which you will find on the lower left side of the Search AH UI.

Once you have done a search your screen should look something like the one below this. If you have set every thing up properly, you can hold done shift, ctrl, and alt and click on the Purchase button (the one circled below) and que Auctioneer to buy every item on the list!

Pretty simple huh! That is pretty much it, there are a few more options such as the ability to only see items that meet your prices range and can be bought out immediately. You can see these options by scrolling down on the options pane (Picture #2) which you can always reopen by clicking on the plus sign (the one circled in the picture above).

I hope this was informative and useful for you, if you have any questions please leave a comment!

Here are a few links on other similar articles that also discuss Snatch.

Tales of a Priest: Auctioneer

1 comment:

  1. I have entered the items I want to buy and the prices (as percantage of the market price) I want to buy them at. But when I hit the search button at the bottom of my snatch window it returns a lot of results with prices higher than the snatch values I set. What am I doing wrong?
